Posted by Kylie Flament
on 15 May 2013
Our Head of Surgery and Research, A/Prof David Winlaw, was interviewed by Bloomberg this week about new research that suggested around 10% of congenital heart defects may come from spontaneous gene mutations (meaning gene mutations that aren't inherited from a parent). Read the full article here.
A/Prof Winlaw and his research team are currently involved in a number of studies to better understand the genetics behind congenital heart disease. For more information, go to our research page.
Posted by Kylie Flament
on 9 May 2013
Welcome to our new and improved Heart Centre for Children website. There has been a lot of work behind the scenes building a site that offers as much relevant information as we can for families, medical practitioners and donors. We hope you like the new format and pages.
There is always room for improvement though so please contact us or send in some feedback with your thoughts and ideas.
Posted by Kylie Flament
on 7 May 2013
A wonderful group of Mums have formed a group called the Zipper Tickers and have been working hard to organise a gala dinner in Newcastle on the 27th of July this year, and were interviewed by The Newcastle Herald this week. Check out the article here. Some of the Heart Centre team will be heading up to Newcastle for the weekend so please come and join us to support the Zipper Tickers and raise some much-needed funds for a new cardiac ultrasound (echo) machine for the department. The more the merrier! Click here for details.
Posted by Kylie Flament
on 3 May 2013
We are lucky enough to receive cards and letters from patients and families on a regular basis, but I couldn't resist sharing this one with you. William has been a patient of ours for a while now and wrote this lovely message to Dr David Winlaw, one of our cardiac surgeons. It came with a self-portrait of William with Dr Winlaw which we love. Beautiful work, William!
Posted by Kylie Flament
on 1 May 2013
Meet Martin, one of our Perfusionists...
What does your job involve?
I operate the heart lung machine during heart operations - diverting blood away from the heart and lungs in order for the surgeon to correct the heart defect. The heart lung machine takes over the function of the heart and lungs for the duration of the procedure to ensure that the child's oxygen and metabolic needs are met. During the operation it is my job to continuously monitor both the blood and the heart lung machine in order to ensure that the blood is in the best possible condition prior to being pumped back into the patient.
Why did you choose this job and the Heart Centre?
I'm from England originally and I came to Australia for a year, where I got a job at the Children's Hospital at Westmead. I liked the environment and the people and decided I'd stay on a bit longer. I then trained as a Perfusionist and wished to continue my work with children. An opportunity came ...
Posted by Kylie Flament
on 24 April 2013

I'm delighted to announce that we are one of the charities that will benefit from the sales of the Entertainment Book this year! Get in quick to order your copy and make the most of discounted meals, entertainment and services. Go to for more information and to buy a copy today.
Posted by Kylie Flament
on 23 April 2013
With our brand new website, some walls to decorate and a few creative projects in mind, we need your help to create some Heart Art. Photos, pictures, drawings, computer graphics... anything goes as long as it relates somehow to the Heart Centre for Children. Please send your creations to Or go to to see the art that we've already collected and 'like' the best ones.
Posted by Kylie Flament
on 23 April 2013

Several of the staff at the Heart Centre for Children were baking until all hours last night in preparation for a quick fundraiser in the main entrance of The Children's Hospital at Westmead. The cupcakes sold out in record time and just over $500 was made, which has been added to our fund for a new cardiac ultrasound (echo) machine. It was such a success that there are already calls for another baking table, so stay tuned.
Posted by Kylie Flament
on 3 April 2013
Dr Ian Nicholson (Cardiac Surgeon), Dr Phil Roberts (Cardiac Interventionalist) and Dr Ashish Katewa (Surgical Fellow), together with staff from The Children's Hospital at Westmead and other hospitals around Australia recently went to Cambodia as part of Operation Open Heart, a not-for-profit organisation that provides cardiac services to children in developing countries. There, the group met some very special little patients and their families.
See the photos from their trip here.
Posted by Kylie Flament
on 1 April 2013
Meet Seanna, one of our Administration Officers at the Heart Centre for Children.
What does your job involve?
Being a secretary to two doctors means I spend my day making appointments, preparing clinics, running them and following up the paperwork, typing, photocopying and mailing out letters to keep everyone informed.
Why did you choose to come and work in this job?
I have always wanted to work with children and even though I'm not a doctor, doing things like making the appointments for children to come see a cardiologist makes me feel like I'm making a difference.
What's the best part about your job?
Understandably, families can sometimes be quite anxious and upset about something being terribly wrong with their child's heart. The best part of my job is seeing that child being discharged or told that they're now 100% healthy and can go home. It puts a smile on everyone's face.
Tell us something that people might no...